Touch Screen Info Kiosks in a Museum

Museum of Greek Folk Musical Instruments trusts Panel TV to peak visitors’ experience.

Fall 2014

The Client

The Museum of Greek Folk Musical Instruments named Phoebus Anoyianakis opened its doors on June 6, 1991.
The Museum owns a collection of more than 1200 Greek folk instruments from the 18th century to the present. The majority of the collection is exposed within the Museum’s premises and the rest is used as material for the traveling exhibitions. The Museum joins different exhibitions and special theme presentations around Greece and abroad to promote its exhibits and inform about the Greek folk music.

The Scope of the Project

The project started in November, 2014. The aim was to have an Info Kiosk – a modern, attractive and smart solution which implements both indoors and outdoors.

By the use of an Info Kiosk, the Museum could offer to its visitors a modern, attractive and efficient information tool and a holistic interactive audiovisual experience. Additionally, the Museum could serve its needs for frequent movements.

The traditional text communication methods which describe the history and illustrate the technique of the exhibits prevent the visitors from understanding the utility and the audibility of the instruments.

Panel TV approach

Panel TV offered its Info kiosk with a 15” touch screen which was portable and designed based on the profile of the Museum and its facilities.
The Info Kiosk from Panel TV is an integrated, elegant and functional construction accompanied by computer and touchscreen. The Info Kiosk is made by handy and durable materials allowing frequent movements and flexibility to space requirements.

The Benefits

The touch screen Info kiosk is placed next to the exhibits and permits to the visitors to investigate into a great variety of photos, to watch videos of real playing from musicians who practice it, to enjoy the sound produced and to get informed about the instrument’s origin.
The Info kiosk is based on a portable and handy stand which benefits the Museum to use it in their tours in Greece and abroad.

Table of Contents

Greek Folk Musical Instruments Museum of Athens

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