
"Greece 2021" Committee

An interactive showcase in the Hellenic Parliament building

Spring 2022


The “Greece 2021” Committee, chaired by Mrs. Gianna Angelopoulou-Daskalaki, was established with the aim, beyond the planning of the celebration of the symbolic anniversary of the 200th anniversary of the Revolution, to coordinate a comprehensive program of actions and events, aiming to reinvent Greece, from the beginning of modern history until today.

A hybrid exhibition - A physical and digital interactive showcase

‘Greece 2021’ Committee decided for the creation of an interactive showcase displaying physical objects and digital material to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the 1821 Revolution. This “hybrid” exhibition showcase, now installed in the Hellenic Parliament Building by the Commission “Greece 2021”, is a historical archive of the commemoration of the anniversary. The aim of the hybrid interactive exhibition was to preserve its memory through the exhibits created and the taken events and actions digitally visualized.

The Interactive experience

Designing the visitors’ experience was a challenge for the PANEL TV team with a remarkable experience in interactive applications. Digital exhibits such as text, images and videos, had to be adapted and composed in a harmonious combination with natural objects and the installation environment. Every visitor, regardless of age and nationality, can navigate naturally by interacting with the exhibits, choosing their own experience path.

The Sound, in a directional way, isolates the hybrid showcase from the rest of physical space and accompanies the digital exhibits. The interactive selection begins on the surface of the showcase and leads to the large screen that captivates visitors of all ages.

Each visitor can follow his own personalized path of interactive experience, something that PANEL TV’s team designed and organized carefully based on visual approach, material presentation and quality adjustment of the previewed digital material.

In cooperation with the architect of the exhibited showcase’s construction, PANEL TV recommended the appropriate placing of the individual devices and materials. Special attention was also given to ease people with mobility difficulties.

Methodology & Technology of PANEL TV

In order to achieve an exceptional visitor experience, PANEL TV considered all aspects of the project, including the building environment, lighting conditions, ergonomics and interactivity rules. Collaborating with all project partners (architects & museologists) of the committee, PANEL TV suggested the methodology and technology that best enhances the digital exhibits and work in full harmony with the physical exhibits of the superstructure that hosts them.

The Commission’s ‘Greece 2021’ showcase, contains a total of 92 physical objects and incorporates an interactive audiovisual system through which 58 digital ‘exhibits’ (video, image and digital print files) are highlighted.

After studying the digital objects and the exhibition nature, PANEL TV proceeded with the design and development of the interactive experience. With specialized digital tools operated by the company, a customized audiovisual interactivity application was created. The application managed all 58 digital “exhibits” and interfaced all the screens and devices into a uniform system.

While designing the showcase experience and selecting the appropriate equipment, PANEL TV’s team carefully considered all the elements of the installation, space, size, lighting and architecture. The statistical sample of building visitors revealed a wide age range, which requires a user-friendly experience including the ones who are less familiar with modern digital media.

PANEL TV would like to express its gratitude to the ‘Greece 2021’ Committee, getting assigned the design and development of such an important interactive showcase project.

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"Greece 2021" Committee


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