Digital Out Of Home (DOOH) is here!
The continuous economic recession, the decline in business profitability and the problems of traditional Digital Marketing (ad-blockers, bot traffic, cookie bombed models, questionable banners effectiveness, mass of channels and data) have shifted market interest in digital out-of-home.
According to Outdoor Media Associations, in recent years DOOH has shown a steady general growth, marking a shift from traditional forms of communication and marketing to newer, more dynamic channels. The cost of equipment has become more affordable for businesses, and consumers are now more familiar with these technologies.
In the same way that today a business without a website is considered unreliable, an organization or brand without a DOOH presence is at risk of being outdated. So, the question is not whether an investment in DOOH is required, but what it will include. In fact, the goals for DOOH are as different as the organizations that use them and mainly concern:
– reduction on the overall cost of dissemination of information
– minimization of dependence on printed materials which need frequent and timely updating
– increase of efficiency and reliability of messages
– expansion of “Reach” and increase awareness of campaigns, products & services
– increase sales profitability, improve cross-selling or revenue collection of advertisement
– better customer support by streamlining procedures and reducing waiting times whilst speeding up transactions and interaction with online media
– the emergence of the digital and smart character of brands, products and services
With goals set, organizations are asked to decide how to incorporate DOOH into their media plan:
– What kind of content will they present on their Retail-Promo, InfoChannel, Welcome Screens, Artistic Video Wall and Corporate Communication screens
– Which is the best customer-facing technology solution (indoor / outdoor, interactive / non-interactive, complexity, etc.) depending on business requirements
– Who is the right Digital OOH (signage) partner with experience in digital signage content and campaign management
Unlike the past, the projected content does not consist of static images, messages, and videos. DOOH today is always connected and constantly receives data from multiple sources. Data is visualized and refreshed on-screen in real time and can also determine the content that is displayed at any time.
Data-driven DOOH we meet in:
– Interactive applications for Audience Aware Campaigns with face recognition and sentiment analysis and serve real-time personalized content while anonymous Analytics are recorded.
– Mobile Connected Screens with customized call to actions that encourage the public to interact through their monitor or mobile device – URL visit, QR code scanning, coupon display, loyally programs and more.
-Informative screens that display useful information relevant to the consumer’s wishes (e.g. types, features and inventory of a selected product in a store’s warehouse).
– Collaborative Multi-Touch Tables and business tablets capable of recording user behavior
In an economy that requires a guaranteed return on investment (ROI), the primary focus is on the effectiveness of DOOH media that are designed based on the organization’s business-communication needs, and less on finding cheap equipment.
So, it is essential to choose the right DOOH partner with experience in digital user experience, DOOH (digital signage) design and operation, visualization – relevant content creation and ongoing Customer Experience revision changes in brands and audience requirements.