
Digital InfoBoard

Pin boards, notice boards, posters and printouts
become digital & dynamic!
More than a traditional bulletin board where pinned messages and prints stay for long and strive to get a visible position, the Digital InfoBoard of PANEL TV is a digital canvas that always stays fresh and relevant.
All topics are posted electronically by authorized users and rotate automatically depending on the time/day or location of posting. The InfoBoard integrates almost any kind of digital content: images, videos, presentations, texts, timetables, news etc.

Always fresh and relevant

to your company and people interest

Share news and campaigns @ working floors and key locations

Disseminate instantly top management messages

Elevate ESG efforts by sharing values, goals, and achievements

Highlight dates and upcoming events on a schedule basis

Announce product updates and educate on new services

Show real-time dashboards

Share “moments” via multimedia content & recall past events and accomplishments

Highlight corporate and individual accolades, such as the Employee of the month, or may welcome / announce new personnel

Guidance & Safety

· Remind safety procedures & advertise training videos

· Display emergency alert messages when necessary

· Display instructions and how-to reminders

· Provide building directory and meeting locations
· Differentiate per floor, location, or urgency

Adaptive look

Alter canvas design based on
location, season or priorities

Any size and place

Horizontal or Vertical, Indoors or Outdoors
Can integrate touch-2-find-more capabilities

No Prints

No more need for prints!
Just post it on the screen

Real time changes

Update and post information
on the fly, schedule in advance

Do all read your notes, emails, newsletters, and on-line materials?

The Digital InfoBoard of PANEL TV is a comprehensive multitool for all Corporate Communication with publishing roles on digital canvas, floors, building or remote locations. Can easily combine touch or non-touch applications for simple or multi-zone experiences, and for indoor or outdoor use.

Make it yours

Tailor-made look and feel!

Digital Signage & Interactivity UX Experts