
The Phygital Corporate

Large size LED and Outdoor

Custom designs with a variety of technological & operational features to accommodate innovative concepts.

Enhance your branding with digital façade surfaces, turning your location into a landmark with smart phygital content.
Utilize weatherproof outdoor screens to ensure your message is visible and impactful, regardless of the elements.
Innovate with interactive digital walls
Sound first impression with LED architectural integrations.

Welcome Screens

Digitally enhance the reception experience
Showcase Values and Corporate Identity
Outstanding branding opportunities on digital surfaces
Highlight products, services and news
Grab attention with rich and meaningful content
With multiple shapes and sizes to fit in any architectural design

Dynamic InfoBoards

More than the traditional bulletin boards, our Digital InfoBoards are dynamic digital canvas that always stays fresh and relevant. Can be used indoors or outdoors in multiple sizes, and with interactive capabilities.

Meeting & Collaboration Spaces BYOD

Upgrade and modernize your meeting rooms and collaboration spaces.
Consult PANEL TV experts for a future-proof digital toolbox to enhance teamwork, communication and productivity on any hybrid environment.

Control / Disaster Rooms

Vital for decision making & operations monitoring
Visualize valuable business information from multiple sources in a structured manner.
Combine any feed, data or video source available into a physical screen canvas. Set up presets with major templates of visual compositions that may address market data, fleet status or statistical information to consider. Or, just let the system to decide on displayed visuals based on business or schedule criteria.

Digital Signage & Interactivity UX Experts